Dennis Shtatnov

Hacker • Engineer • Designer • Researcher



Creator/Software Architect,

March 2014 - present
  • Developing an interactive textbook and learning application currently in pilot testing at Drexel University.
  • Implementing machine learning algorithms for modeling users and personalizing education.
  • Applying symbolic computation systems towards automatic grading and smart feedback generation.
  • Implementing algorithms for operational transformation, graph optimization, and database concurrency management.
  • Managing front-end and back-end development as well as server infrastructure monitoring/setup.

Computer Vision Researcher, Drexel University

December 2014 - January 2016
  • Researching and testing new approaches to multi-view stereo and material recognition.
  • Implement reconstruction/recognition systems using OpenCV, ROS, PCL, NumPy, CUDA.
  • Collaborate with an intercollegiate team of graduate students to create large vision and robotics systems.

Teaching Assistant, Drexel University

January 2014 - April 2015
  • Assisted students directly in problem solving and comprehension of advanced computer science material.
  • Managed groups of TAs in completing grading on time and managing course assignments.
  • Developed automated code testing scripts for verifying code correctness and for large-scale grading.
  • Lead computer programming labs alongside professors and other TAs.
  • Courses assisted: CS 161, CS 265, CS 283


Google Docs style WYSIWIGs for rich text and math (project within Lemma)

  • Build a WYSIWIG from scratch using custom paragraph rendering code and custom cursor management and layout algorithms.
  • Does NOT use contenteditable or any direct input elements
  • Completely versioned and differential editor for efficiency and cross-browser syncing/collaboration

Robotic Chalkboard (project within Lemma)

  • Designed and engineered the hardware and electronics for a chalkboard mounted plotter using CAD software
  • Wrote an internal tool for parsing SVG files, rasterizing them using offset polygons, approximating them as lower order polynomials and outputting them as GCODE
  • Experience with mechanical system tuning and computational geometry

Tansa: Dancing Drones (ongoing project)

  • Wrote algorithms for precise control of a swarm of quadcopters using a motion capture system
  • Work premiered in a live performance by Parsons Dance Company
  • Personally designed a custom mechanical quadcopter platform with 3d printed
Designed and built a 260mm quadcopter with 2 RGB spot lights and 20+ min battery life
We have smooth transitions and minimum snap trajectories between waypoints
The controllers are optimized for high speed maneuvers
We can seamlessly fly a whole swarm (up to 6 over WiFi)
Did I mention lights?
Before we break our drones, we always test using our web based GUI

PX4 Contributions

  • Ported the popular drone Firmware to the Crazyflie 2.0 platform
  • Implemented thrust compensation for varying battery situations
  • Fixed RTOS bugs

My 3D Printers

  • I occasionally build homemade 'RepRap' style 3d printers and incorportate lots of useability changes to them
  • Shown to the left is my current workhorse

Android/ROS Quadcopter Controller

  • Onboard quadcopter stabilization using only sensors in an Android phone
  • Custom Arduino interface board
  • Vision (MSCKF) based odometry

Javascript Operational Transform ODM Library

Programmed a hybrid quadcopter design project using IMU and PID based stabilization

  • Our research blog can be found here

Developed a LaTeX Parser for SymPy


Created PongCopter, a physical game of pong with quadcopters as balls and smartphones as paddles

1st Place - Fused OpenCV and Myo tracking to make a gaze controlled quadcopter interface

Made a handshake and gesture recognition system for Android Wear